Cheap Mobile App Calling - Making Phone Calls With Otubio

International Calls

Otubio services include Pinless calling, Pin based Calling cards, Residential VOIP,Prepaid Calling cards, and App based IP calling. Our Pinless calling options give customers the ability to make effortless international calls with superior call quality and low rates. The Residential VOIP service provides long distance calling with several features which include call waiting. Otubio makes international calling cheap and affordable. - Pinless International Calls

Residential VOIP

Make cheap convenient calls to several destinations worldwide via our residential voip plans. Otubio combines quality, convenience, and cheap rates to give you a superior calling experience - International Phone Calls

Mobile Apps

The Otubio app comes with a lot of intuitive features that makes calling effortless. The ability to make calls directly from your contact list is priceless. The app also allows free voice calling between Otubio users. - International Phone Calls

PINLess Calling

Set up your account for free, register your favorite number and dial quick and easy to anywhere around the world with NO PIN needed. - International Phone Calls